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- Subject
- [select* subject “want to import cars from Japan” “want to bid cars from Auction House in Japan” “Others”]
- Buyer info
- Company * required
- [text company 60/]
- Name * required
- [select sex “Mr” “Ms”] [text* buyername 40/]
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- [text* address 60/]
- [text zip 10/]
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- [text* country 60/]
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- [text* destination 40/]
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- [text* port 40/]
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- [text* tel 30/]
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- [email* email 40/]
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- [email* email_confirm 40/]
- Car info
- Select Make
- Model *
- [text carname 60/]
- Year
- [select caryear “newer” “2018” “2017” “2016” “2015” “2014” “2013” “2012” “2011” “2010” “2009” “2008” “2007” “2006” “2005” “2004” “2003” “2002” “2001” “2000” “1999” “1998” “1997” “1996” “1995” “1994” “1993” “1992” “1991” “1990” “1989” “before 1988”]
- Mileage
- [select mileage “0 – 10,000” “10,001 – 20,000” “20,001 – 30,000” “30,001 – 40,000” “40,001 – 50,000” “100,001 – 150,000” “150,001 – 200,000” “200,001 -“]
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Thanks & Regards.
The Support Team Auction House Tokyo. your friendly staff
[subject] | Princess Trading
[buyername] noreply@auctionhouse.tokyo
Dear [sex] [buyername]
I am Your Name (Mr) from Princess Trading.
Mr [buyername] from [country] posted below inquiry at princess.imaiyumi.net
about Exporting used vehicles from Japan
Sender Information :
COUNTRY: [country]
COMPANY: [company]
NAME: [sex] [buyername]
ADDRESS: [address] [zip]
TEL: [tel]
E-MAIL: [email]
Order Information :
CAR: [make] [carname]
CAR YEAR: [caryear]
MILEAGE: [mileage]
PORT: [port] / [destination]
Thanks & Regards.
Princess Trading.
Yumi Imai (Ms)
Princess Trading.
Reply-To: [email]
[subject] | Princess Trading
[buyername] noreply@auctionhouse.tokyo
Dear [sex] [buyername]
I am Your Name (Mr) from Princess Trading.
Mr [buyername] from [country] posted below inquiry at princess.imaiyumi.net
about Exporting used vehicles from Japan
Sender Information :
COUNTRY: [country]
COMPANY: [company]
NAME: [sex] [buyername]
ADDRESS: [address] [zip]
TEL: [tel]
E-MAIL: [email]
Order Information :
CAR: [make] [carname]
CAR YEAR: [caryear]
MILEAGE: [mileage]
PORT: [port] / [destination]
Thanks & Regards.
Princess Trading.
Yumi Imai (Ms)
Princess Trading.
Reply-To: info@auctionhouse.tokyo
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